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How To Nurture The Parent Child Relationship

[Explore the profound bond between a parent and child. If you’re a parent seeking guidance around this intrinsic human connection, discover how to connect with your children’s highest selves and delve into the beauty of the parent child relationship.]

One of the most powerful tools I have in my “toolbox” as a coach, parent, and human being is that of connecting to the highest selves of my clients, children, and loved ones.

When I work with you 1:1 or within Soul Care Mom programs and offerings, I always hold your highest self in my heart. So no matter what you’re currently struggling with, you’re able to find your way back to the vibration of your highest self.

When we do this for our children we empower them to reconnect with their highest selves. The Truth of who they are. The LOVE that they are.

Today, my guest on the Soul Care Mom Podcast, Gaby Kowalski, Founder of Magic School For Teens and Kids, guides us through a magical and empowering experiential practice to help us, as parents, connect with our children’s highest selves.

If you are a parent or guardian who is on your own soul enlightenment path and you want to find support and resources that will help you to bring your children along for this ride, to help them to stay connected to the Truth of who they are, then I want to introduce you to this most amazing soul.

Her name is Gabby Kowalski and she is the founder of Magic School for Teens and Kids. I am so honored to be a teacher on that platform. And if you are ready, if you’re craving, if you’re looking for more support around this for yourself and for your children, be sure to join us for this episode where we dive into how we can bring more soul nourishment into our everyday for ourselves with our children, what that looks like and how to surround yourself with this kind of support.

You are going to love this episode and be sure to join us in Magic School for Teens and Kids.

Hi there, Soulful Mama. Welcome to the Soul Care Mom. I’m Catherine Wilde of I’m the mom of three amazing kids. A Soul Care Mom Coach, and a yoga and meditation teacher.

I’ve helped hundreds of women. And I’m here to help you feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom. If you’re ready to stop living in survival mode and you’re ready to drop the mom guilt and overwhelm, this podcast is for you.

Think of this as a lunch date with a girlfriend. Grab a cup of tea and get cozy. It’s time to get honest and vulnerable and shift the traditional mindset around motherhood. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to know when new episodes are released.

Get ready to grow and feel empowered as a mom. I’m here for you, Mama.

Let’s dive in!

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[Disclaimer: The information shared is from personal experiences and/or research. We’re not medical professionals. We share in hopes that it will help you tap into new insights and inspire you. Everything shared is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a trusted health professional for your unique journey.]

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How To Create A Strong Parent Child Relationship

Catherine Wilde

Hi Gabby. Thank you so much for being here.

Gaby Kowalski

Oh, angel, thank you for having me. It’s an honor and a pleasure. We’re going to have so much fun.

Catherine Wilde

Yes. I love your heart. I love the work that you’re doing and I am so excited to dive in know talking about magic school for teens and kids. But I’d love to just start by hearing from you and your journey and how this school came to be.

Gaby Kowalski

Oh goodness.

Gaby Kowalski

It’s a long journey. Some dreams are worth holding on to for 20 years until they can birth.

Gaby Kowalski

And for me, it was an evolution. 20, gosh, like, over. Over 20 years ago, I went to university, studied drama, and I created a theater company. And the vision for it was to take the classics, Hans Christian, Anderson brothers, grim, rework them, and traveled to all the schools around Australia, reinfusing heart and morals and compassion and kindness into the consciousness of children.

Gaby Kowalski

And addressing certain processes that they go through in their initiations, in their beautiful initiations of growth. We started off, and one of my probably most memorable moments was we did some work with a company called Challenge, who looks after cancer kids and does projects for cancer kids.

Gaby Kowalski

And we were on this three day camp with around 200 children who had cancer. A lot of them were terminal. And we came with, like, a puppet making thing. So we made all these paper mashet puppets that were blank, that the kids could decorate and do whatever they wanted to. And then we were loving the parody of Hansel and know, funny version of Hansel and a puppet show.

And I still couldn’t believe it. Catherine, there was hovercrafts and horses and all sorts of stuff at this camp.

Gaby Kowalski

And most of the kids were in our room making puppets, and they would give them long hair and kind of, like, live vicariously through them, because a lot of them had gone through so much chemo that they did not have their own hair.

And even at the end, like the organizers said, they all had their puppets on the bus on the way home. And it was so beautiful, and it just touched my heart to be able to make any form of difference to a young soul on their journey on this planet.

Gaby Kowalski

And I remember there was this moment where my friends and I were rehearsing just a part of the little show that we were putting on. And one of the girls was so sick. She was in a wheelchair. She was really sick. She spent most of the time crying or getting taken off for treatments. Like, she was definitely in the most critical state there. They wheeled her in to watch us rehearse. And to be honest, we got so lost in rehearsing, we forgot she was there.

And as we’re rehearsing, we heard her laugh. And it was the first time in the whole. Because this was on day three, the whole three days, that this girl was constantly crying, constantly in pain.

Gaby Kowalski

And just to see color come back into her face, just to see her laugh again, just to see her laugh for the first time, it was incredible. It touched my soul. And I remember just having this deep feeling of wanting to make a difference in the world. Yet I felt like one of the ways that we get to make a difference in the planet is by coding or sharing with the future generations the consciousness that has them create a different world.

Gaby Kowalski

And so, as much as my theater company proved to not be as fruitful, meaning, like, we made like $20 in the first year, I sought out after that to learn business and learn how to get things like this to work and promising myself that I would do something for children one day. And so I went into business and built up different businesses. And then about a decade ago, I built up my coaching speaking, transformational, beautiful enterprise, which is now called Oneness.

And for the last few years, toying with what can I do with children? And knowing that there’d be some form of a platform. And then it all just landed. I was talking with an old friend and talking about this concept and talking about creating some kind of an online school for kids, yet knowing in our hearts it needed to be free because children don’t have money.

Gaby Kowalski

And it’s like, one thing I also have learned over the course of being within business consciousness and building enterprises is that all the people out there that have visions to make a difference, it’s not so much like when we try and monetize stuff that’s to do with children. It’s not as fruitful.

It’s usually that’s the kind of stuff we do once we’ve established ourselves and we’ve got enough beautiful cash flow coming in that we can fund our own projects, fund our own beautiful enterprises that are non for profit, purely a give to the world. And so Magic School for Teens and Kids came about.

Gaby Kowalski

I have a magic school for adults I’ve been running for a few years, which is a quantum certification program. It’s an amazing program where people get to go on a huge multidimensional ascension journey, calling back their soul memory from different versions of themselves and becoming quantum practitioners.

Gaby Kowalski

And I was like, oh, my gosh, what about a magic school for kids? And therefore, in magic school for kids, the vision is to give a holistic approach to consciousness, where we do address the emotional realm, the mental realm, the spiritual realm, the quantum realm, and the physical realm. And so we’ve got classes, we’ve got volunteers that share insights on all these topics. And we also wanted to have something for parents.

Gaby Kowalski

So there are classes for parents. The concept of magic school for teens and kids, though, is like, imagine a magical library, but it’s online. And instead of books, they’re all recordings. And once or twice a few times a month. Imagine if you’re in that library and someone’s reading a book out loud, and that’s our live classes.

Gaby Kowalski

And if you can make them, great. And if you can’t make them, you just watch the recording. Because the whole purpose of magic school for teens and kids was to build a giant online library that kids and teens could come to and be able to go into their age group or go into the topics that they were interested in, scroll through and see if there was something there for them that they were looking for to support them on their journey, to anchor deeply into their heart and create the realities of their dreams, thus create a world that every single soul gets to thrive and be cherished in.

Gaby Kowalski

And Magic School for Teens and Kids is up and running. We’ve got over 1000 beautiful kids all over the world that partake and growing constantly. We’ve got beautiful volunteers like yourself, which is incredible, running these classes all for the purpose of building a legacy of light for children.

And I foresee future timelines where the kids that are receiving the classes will be teaching classes. And it’s in the sense of like 15 year olds teaching classes to seven year olds, because the gap is so close.

Gaby Kowalski

And having this next wave of what it really means to learn and grow outside the traditional schooling system and also giving parents and guardians the opportunity to give their children a platform outside the school grids and especially those that are homeschooling.

It’s such a beautiful addition, a beautiful library for them to go and play in. We’ve had so many emails and messages come from parents where their kids are binging on this stuff, writing pages and pages, having the best times ever. And we have only just begun.

Gaby Kowalski

And as we establish and as we reach more souls around the world and build a much larger community, the next phase of this is to build magic camps for kids around the world. Non for profit magic camps for kids. And where children can come together for one week with like minded, conscious, beautiful beings and do amazing energy work on the planet, have amazing classes.

Gaby Kowalski

For example. One of them is that we would have them go into the quantum and either meet their unicorn friend for the first time, or reconnect with a unicorn that their soul has been connected with through other lifetimes and for the purpose of mentorship, because often when we look at fairies or unicorns, we can perceive them to be something childish. Yet these are very intelligent consciousness, beings of light from other systems of existence, and they do share light and codes onto the planet. And they’ve been working with children for such a long time doesn’t mean that they’re juvenile.

They’re actually the most advanced, the most advanced beings. Light beings work with children consciousness. It’s a gift to be able to work with child consciousness. And so they would go and they would connect again to their unicorn friend or receive a unicorn guide mentor.

Gaby Kowalski

Then we’d have our horses, special horses that we’re calling in that would be dressed like unicorns, and then that would be coded to channel the frequency of their unicorn so they could then bring it into the physical world, merging the nonphysical and physical worlds together, unifying them, because that is the ultimate ascension path for us all.

Gaby Kowalski

That as we ascend, we embody that the physical plane of existence and the nonphysical plane of existence is part of one universe. All of it works together in unison, that our soul and our physical body get to unify and be one. And this is little things like this that they get to do. And it’s exciting to explore that.

Gaby Kowalski

All of this is planting the seeds to give children on this planet young consciousness, the leaders of the new world, a platform to receive these initiations. Now, because most of us didn’t receive this knowledge until we were adults, and we’ve done all these courses and read all these books, and then we get into our ascension journeys more consciously.

Gaby Kowalski

Yet imagine what it would have been like to learn how to channel properly as a kid, to learn how to only communicate with the higher frequencies and code your channel so it doesn’t interact with anything that’s not of the highest frequency.

Gaby Kowalski

Imagine if, as children, we remembered we’re sovereign, powerful creators, and therefore we paved paths for ourselves. And this is the greater vision for those kids around the world that are ready for this. We’re here, and we’ve only just begun.

Catherine Wilde

So beautiful. Just a testament to your heart and your soul. And, yeah, I’m really honored to be a part of this space. And I was telling you, my girls and I adore. Like, we just love magic school. It is this library that we can draw from, and it’s something that is so supportive to parents and guardians, and I’m so thankful that you created it.

Catherine Wilde

And I know that it’s touching so many families as I teach more classes within this space, like, I’m connecting with souls. And one recently shared that she felt very connected to her child, but very unsupported. Her child wasn’t very understood by the school system, and that broke her heart. That was so hard for her and so having this space for her to come to where she can reconnect to her child, to herself is so powerful. And it’s priceless. It’s this amazing thing that you’re doing, and I’m so thankful.

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Plus, you’ll find guided meditations and yoga practices that will help you effortlessly infuse your days with self care.

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I can’t wait to welcome you inside, Mama.

Catherine Wilde

And like you were saying, what if as children we could stay connected to that truth of who we are and live from that place?

Catherine Wilde

And I know that as a child I had that inner knowing and it got covered up pretty quickly. I started to doubt it. It’s just as an adult and really after becoming a mom that I am starting.

Catherine Wilde

I’m able to see it in my kids. And so they’ve taught me we home school, but I think they’ve taught me so much more than I could ever teach them or that I could ever guide them through. So, it’s truly a gift.

Gaby Kowalski

I love that.

Gaby Kowalski

Yeah, I love that you share that you share that they’ve taught you so much too. Because this is one of the future projects with Magic School, having the children teach, anchoring them into leadership so much sooner.

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Deepening The Mother And Child Connection

Gaby Kowalski

 It’s not an age thing, it’s a soul thing. And they all have something to contribute now. And for a lot of us, we had access to our magic. Then it got covered up, then we needed to take off the covers and reclaim it.

Gaby Kowalski

Imagine if you don’t have to go through that process. What kind of an adult that produces? And just not having a whole bunch of not-enoughedness and limitations and certain consciousness templates or programs that a lot of us had to shift through, are potentially still shifting through, in our current lifetimes.

And it makes me smile. And yay, yay, yay! Allowing children to come into this place. And yet at the same time, one of the visions for this is to also install radical responsibility. And what I mean by that is to have children claim it’s not like not having them claim too much authority. That’s not what this is about. It’s about them knowing with a humble heart that they are a beautiful fractal of light, of love, of goodness.

Gaby Kowalski

That they are made of abundance, that they’re made of the most beautiful frequencies of love. And for them to honor that anchor that. For them to connect to their higher self, for them to be guided by their higher self and not be plugging into the external world for guidance, like a lot of us needed to unplug out of.

Gaby Kowalski

Because at some point in our life, we plugged into the external world and cared more about what others thought of us. Because this channel to higher self had not been encouraged. And of course it was just generally speaking, of course there’s exceptions to this, but generally speaking, around our world, most of us did simply get plugged into that conveyor belt system.

Gaby Kowalski

And these things weren’t topics. Learning how to channel your higher self, how to go inwards, how to access the highest frequencies within, how to regulate nervous system, how to come into heart field consciousness. Knowing how to tap into the wisdom of the soul.

Gaby Kowalski

They simply just weren’t being taught when I was a kid, would you agree?

Catherine Wilde

Absolutely agree. And through the homeschooling journey, it’s just been so beautifully revealed that it’s the way we move through life, it’s the connections we have, it’s the presence that we have with each other.

Seeing each other’s souls and following that guidance of what is it that lights them up and what can we explore in that. And Magic School has been a big part of that. Yeah, it’s beautiful to witness and to be a part of.

Catherine Wilde

And I’m still unplugging. I’m still in that process. You said it so beautifully.

And you were going to share such a gracious gift with us. So if you could guide us through a taste of what we would experience in Magic School.

Gaby Kowalski

Beautiful. I love this.

Catherine Wilde

Thank you.

To go on this guided experiential journey press play and enjoy!

Gaby Kowalski

So if I can have your permission, beautiful listeners, watchers, that at this point, if you’re on video. Do we broadcast just audio or video as well?

Catherine Wilde


Gaby Kowalski

Beautiful. On video, you may see my hands forming different shapes, and I’m simply working. It’s a form of light language in the quantum. So I’m working with energies beyond the physical realm. And you may also hear me speaking several different light languages, which are different dialects of different versions of myself that hold large libraries of light.

To be able to access different aspects of the quantum field, recode, or code, and just work within the nonphysical realms behind the scenes of our physical existence, the architecture behind it all. And so I ask your permission for my magic as we go through this process. And, of course, I first would like to share with you what this is.

Gaby Kowalski

One of the beautiful gifts that I’m personally facilitating inside of magic school for teens and kids. I’ve started this journey with children in the womb up until the age of three, and now I’m about to release a series of other initiations over the next few months. I’d love to give you a taste of that. And that is having parents and guardians connect deeper, to be able to receive clear guidance from their children’s higher selves, soul families, high councils of light. And for clarity of what that means for some of you that may not know what that means, every single one of us has a higher self guiding us.

Gaby Kowalski

Yet we don’t just have one. We have many. Higher selves are versions of us, what we would perceive in future or alternate timelines. So imagine when you were five, your higher self was your 20 year old self who had simply walked the path. And that voice of wisdom in our head is our higher self. Different versions of us in the quantum communicating with us through our channel. And this can also be versions of us not in this consciousness.

Gaby Kowalski

So versions of us on other planets, versions of us in other incarnations on this planet that are simply at a higher consciousness, able to see so much more, able to hold so much more love, so much more kindness, compassion. And so higher selves are simply versions of us in different configurations across the ever constant now that, in truth, there is no past or present linear time.

As a universal rule, past and past, present and future configuration exists within the third dimensional plane of existence. We co create with linear time in fourth dimension and fifth dimension. It just gets different. We get to really understand it’s a field of nowness, and therefore, we’re interconnected. So what this means is that when we can connect to the higher self network of our child, we can then share and stream from them, receive guidance from them.

So if there’s ever a time when we’re not sure what decision to make for our child, then we can go into meditation and ask for this. And I’d love to give you a gift which is a key.

Creating A Strong Parent Child Bond

Gaby Kowalski

Code technology which will enable you to start accessing the higher self network of your child, regardless of their age, to converse with them, to channel them, this beautiful key code. And a key code is literally a code, a sacred geometry architecture in the quantum.

And it’s called a key code because it works as a key. It’s kind of simple. So in the quantum, it’s like having a key to that very specific section. And this key code is being coded with the higher realm aspects, the highest frequency versions of the higher selves within your inner child, higher self council of light. Our children also have soul star families.

So, yes, that there’s these higher selves that are reflections of themselves, and then there’s also soul star families. And what I mean by soul star, that some of the children that are on the planet right now have had more lifetimes on other planets than on Earth. And so they could have a greater connection to having a collective of guides that are actually not human per se. They could be from a different planet, like the pallades or acturus or Sirius or even beyond our galaxy.

Gaby Kowalski

And we could also have what we call a soul family. And for some people, the soul families that are guiding them, they will be represented more earthly, so they’ll have more of an earth presence than a presence, being a brother or sister from a different planet in our galaxy or beyond. And so we are constantly, constantly looked after and guided by our soul families and our higher selves. And then there’s a whole mass of light beings, angels, that also look after all of us and care for us. We are never alone. We are so beautifully loved and held constantly.

Gaby Kowalski

This key code that I would love to give you in a beautiful quantum journey, if you would like to receive it is a gift.

Gaby Kowalski

It’s a gift from my soul family and myself. This particular key code comes from the celestial realms. The celestial realms are beautiful realms of existence, planets, and you would be familiar with the angelic realm being within the celestial realm. Yet there are other, like, dragons, part of the celestial realm. There are other beautiful beings that are part of the celestial realm.

Pure, benevolent love, light holding and embodying libraries of light consciousness, almost the closest consciousness to what we perceive as source consciousness or God consciousness. And so a celestial, this is a beautiful celestial key code. It’s gorgeous. For those of you that have vision into the quantum, it’s made of gold and white, it’s circular, it’s multi dimensional and multifaceted.

Every single quantum technology is a living consciousness. It’s not like the technologies that we have on earth. It’s right like this text to technology. And so the gift that I would love to give you is that Namuktiyana Hatai first, this key code will create within you and take you on a journey to connect even deeper to your higher self, high council and your soul star family, and enable that interconnection for you because they guide you.

Gaby Kowalski

And then from there we will go and we will connect you in this configuration to your child. If you have more than one child, simply listen to this recording for every single child and just take the process with every single child. For those of you that have eight or ten, that’s going to be super fun. And so then we’ll take you into connecting to your child, their high council of higher selves, their soul family, and for you to feel the frequency signature. So what’s important here, and by the way, you can relisten to this ten times until it lands, until you integrate it, because it’s quite an advanced initiation that I’m offering.

And some of you may actually be like, whoa, it might take a little bit for your consciousness to receive the full codecs of being able to do this. Yet the whole point is that you want to be able to identify the frequency signature of your high council, of your soul family, of your child’s high council of higher selves, their soul family. And frequency is not, it’s not like, oh, I saw them, they’ve got beards. I mean, it could be it’s that you feel the frequency, you just know it.

A Powerful Meditation To Connect with Your Child's Highest SelfPin

Deepen The Parent Child Relationship with this Higher Self Meditation

Gaby Kowalski

You know how? You just know, like, you feel the vibration. You want to be so in tune with the vibrational frequency that it’s so easy to hear and receive guidance from it, and you’ll identify that’s this.

Gaby Kowalski

It’s like when we hear our higher self guide us, our higher self will often say things like, breathe, it’s okay, it’s going to be okay. Take a breath.

Gaby Kowalski

Remember, it’s so nurturing, there’s a nurturing frequency to it. Our higher self is never, it doesn’t panic and put us into more fear. And so this is also important that whenever we’re channeling these higher aspects of ourselves, that it’s always a higher frequency.

There’s always calm, there’s always possibility, there’s no judgment, there’s no criticism. If you feel like your higher self is there telling you that people suck, that’s not your higher self. And so, Natiana Hathai, we would love to give you this gift for you to co create with this beautiful key code for you to play with.

And like I said, you can listen to the recording of what I’m about to take you through over and over again until you are like, yes, I know that frequency. Because it’s not about experiencing this once. It’s about mastering your relationship with the frequency of your higher selves, your soul family, their higher selves, their soul family. And you just know it.

Like, you know your best friend’s voice when they call you. No one can put on a fake voice and pretend to be your best friend because you’re like, that’s not you. That’s the goal. Once you’re in tune with the frequency, then when you go into the meditation and ask for guidance, you will know when you receive it, because you’ll feel the frequency coming through. And I’m sharing this because it’s not just, here’s a key code, and now off you go. There’s an embodiment, there’s a mastery. If you really want to do this, it’s magical. It’s incredible. And this is the step. Receive this, master the frequency, then ask for questions and know it’s that when you feel the frequency, does that make it really clear?

Catherine Wilde

Oh, absolutely. You said that so beautifully, and such a beautiful gift to give us. Thank you. I want to live from that space of being, in that vibration of my highest self. And I know that when I am in that space, that’s when I really see my children for the light that they are, for the magic that they are. So thank you. Thank you for guiding us through this.

Gaby Kowalski

Okay, well, in that case, I’m just going to strap my little microphone to my back, because I think I’m going to use some of my instruments. So if you hear some instruments through this process, I’ve got these beautiful instruments behind me. They’re all incredible friends that cocreating with sound technology and weaving within the very fabrics beyond reality. So I now invite you, gorgeous souls, whoever feels resonant to this, to simply close your eyes, to place your hands upon your heart field.

Gaby Kowalski

And to breathe through your nose, into your heart, and out through your mouth, taking another breath in through your nose and into your heart field.

Press play and enjoy this beautiful guided practice.

Gaby Kowalski

Thank you for receiving and for anyone watching and listening. If this really does excite you, please remember that there is embodiment to all of these pieces. That in order for us to really anchor and master the art of channeling from the networks of our children, it is this practice.

Yet at the same time, you can listen to this transmission, this recording, daily or every second day, and there comes a time where you just don’t need it, that you just go. You find yourself in the chamber, and it’s so easy. It becomes effortless. And it is just that process of embodiment.

Gaby Kowalski

Yet when we do this, everything changes. We’re able to stay calm. One of the greatest gifts this is giving to all guardians, all parents, is to embody that you’re not alone in this, that the more that you connect and embrace the soul family of light with your child and their higher selves.

You have a huge team. They have a huge team. We have such huge teams.

Gaby Kowalski

Sometimes we fall under the illusion that we are alone, that we have to do it all on our own, that it’s all on us. And what this does is it temporarily creates a deletion of all the support there is. It’s like, the support’s there. It’d be like me being there trying to talk to you, and you have put me on mute, and you’ve turned me off, and you can’t see me or hear me. It doesn’t mean I’m not there.

And so the more that we do this kind of work, we are the ones that have the most delicious lives, because we no longer live in fear or scarcity. We live in total abundance, that all there is is love and support. Everything is so divine, and there’s always a path, there’s always a way. We live in the complete state of abundance and love.

Gaby Kowalski

And to me, one of the biggest pieces in my own journey has been this, fully embracing my beautiful higher selves, my soul family, being unified with them, because as we unify, we become one. There’s no separation between this consciousness and that consciousness. And therefore, any of those previous illusionary walls of separation don’t exist anymore.

And therefore, no problem is a problem, and everything gets to just be okay. I know that even though this is beyond my current consciousness, I trust that this is taking me on a journey to expand it.

Gaby Kowalski

That even though right now I’ve just hit my wall with this journey of parenthood, I know that that means my wall is about to expand, and I’m about to hold even more love and even more compassion than I ever did.

I’m about to grow, because part of what these beautiful beings do in our life is take us on a journey of more love, is they’re inviting us on a journey to expand our love quota, which means to embody more true love, not people pleasing, not slavery, because there’s also those types of imprints where parents are thinking they’re loving, but they’re just killing themselves in the process. True love is seeing the greatness in our children, seeing the light in them and helping them see it, too.

Gaby Kowalski

And holding them to be little leaders, to pull the greatness out of them. Like, if I see the greatness in you, you become the higher self version of you. If I see your limitations, you actually shift to the lower aspects of yourself. And then I have this interesting experience with you.

Gaby Kowalski

So I trust this serves, and I trust this gives you a little bit of a taste of some of the gifts that are in the platform for parents to support. And then when it comes to kids, oh, my gosh. When they come in, the first thing they do in orientation is they get their wand.

So, orientation class, when they enter the platform, is a wand class with me, where they get to find their quantum wand. And some of them have wands made out of fire or wood or water. Some have wands made out of air, which are really hard to find, but they manage.

Gaby Kowalski

And then there’s other classes, like with me, where I teach them how to co create with their wands. They go on a full quantum journey, learning from the fairies, how to raise the frequency of water with their wands, how to help plants grow, how to help trees grow, how to heal land, how to work with animals, literally teaching them how to be these angels of light on the planet with their magic wands, which is such a beautiful thing that they get to embrace this planet more.

So many of us grew up with the illusion that we wanted to go home, that somehow this planet wasn’t ours. And it is ours. We in this body are a fractal of this planet. We are Gaia consciousness. And if our children can embrace that from day one and never entertain thoughts like, can someone please come and take me home?

Gaby Kowalski

Then, oh, imagine the realities they create when they just claim this planet fully with all their heart. So we welcome you to magic school. And if you’d like to be a volunteer, if you also have, if you’re in any way, shape or form, able to support conscious parenting, support the consciousness raising consciousness for children and teens, please reach out.

I know that you’ll share the links, and there’s links to be able to enroll your beautiful children. Of course, enrollment is free.

Gaby Kowalski

And just remember, this is an online platform. It’s a library. So even if you can’t make the classes live because they’re happening at all different time zones, the recordings will be in the platform, and maybe all the classes you’ll be watching will be on recording.

You might not catch many live, and that’s okay. And if you can come live, we love it when you’re live. It makes us so happy to see your beautiful faces and your children’s faces, of course.

So, yeah, that’s me. It’s been a pleasure, and I would love to welcome you to the platform if it calls you.

Catherine Wilde

I love that you shared that we are all connected. We’re so loved and supported, and I think that’s the biggest forgetting, right? And that’s what we’re coming back to.

And I love that you mentioned the magic wand class. That is one of our favorite classes. And my girls, even still, like, when we go for nature walks, they’ll find sticks and things that speak to them and yeah, they’re like, “Mom, this is my wand.”

I love that so much. Thank you.

Here’s where you can join Magic School For Teens and Kids!

Catherine Wilde

Thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Thank you for the beautiful work that you’re doing in the world. It’s just such an honor to be here with you.

Thank you.

Gaby Kowalski

Thank you so much. And big quantum hug.

Catherine Wilde

Thank you! Hugs to you too!

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Thanks for joining me, Mama.

I’m over here smiling from ear to ear and giving you a big virtual hug. I love spending this time with you. You are amazing for showing up and carving out this space to nourish your soul. If you are loving the Soul Care Mom Podcast, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.

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Catherine Wilde

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Sending you so much love!

Catherine Wilde - Founder of Soul Care Mom - Self Care For Busy Moms - A Mom Coach, Helping Busy Moms, Like You, Release Mom Guilt & Go From Anxious Mom To Calm Mom

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Hi Im Catherine - Soul Care Mom
Catherine Wilde - Soul Care Mom

I’m Catherine Wilde homeschool mama, yoga & meditation teacher, best selling author, and intuitive life coach. I believe you can feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom, when you first care for yourself. 

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