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How To Prevent Diastasis Recti During Pregnancy

[Discover effective strategies and exercises to prevent diastasis recti during pregnancy. Learn how to strengthen your core muscles, maintain proper posture, and avoid common triggers for this condition. Empower yourself with practical tips for a healthy, resilient abdomen!]

Have you ever found yourself peeing when you laugh or sneeze?

If you’ve ever had pain in your body during pregnancy or postpartum, you are not going to want to miss this episode of the Soul Care Mom podcast.

In this powerful conversation with Kaitlin Spano, a pregnancy and postpartum educator, we explore how as moms, through pregnancy, through postpartum, through motherhood, how we can really find alignment in our bodies, how we can feel our best in our bodies, and it doesn’t have to take hours a week.

It’s all about the little moments. If you are a mom or soon to be mom, you are not going to want to miss this powerful episode.

You can also listen on iTunes, Spotify, or your preferred podcast platform.

[Disclaimer: The information shared is from personal experiences and/or research. We’re not medical professionals. We share in hopes that it will help you tap into new insights and inspire you. Everything shared is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a trusted health professional for your unique journey.]

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Hi there, Soulful Mama.

Welcome to the Soul Care Mom podcast.

I’m Catherine Wilde of I’m a mom of three amazing kids, a Soul Care Mom coach, and a yoga and meditation teacher. I’ve helped hundreds of women, and I’m here to help you feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom.

If you’re ready to stop living in survival mode and you’re ready to drop the mom guilt and overwhelm, this podcast is for you. Think of this as a lunch date with a girlfriend.

Grab a cup of tea and get cozy. It’s time to get honest and vulnerable and shift the traditional mindset around motherhood. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to know when new episodes are released.

Get ready to grow and feel empowered as a mom. I’m here for you, mama. Let’s get started.

Wondering How To Prevent Diastasis Recti?

Catherine Wilde

Hi, Kaitlyn. I’m so happy to have you here.

Kaitlin Spano

Hi. Thank you.

Catherine Wilde

We go way back, motherhood and entrepreneurial life. And I love the work you’re doing and how you empower women. And so I’m so happy you’re here. And I’d love to just start by asking you, how did you come to do this beautiful work that you do with mothers?

Kaitlin Spano

Yes. Oh, my gosh. I feel like you and I do go way back. What a journey it’s been, not only motherhood, but our blogging and It’s just crazy, the strides we have made.

So how I started in my work with moms, specifically prenatal and postnatal moms. I five children myself, so that was the start of it. But before I had children, before I had my first, my best friend had a tragic I can’t think of a word now. She had complications, complications during her C-section, and she died from that. Then I got pregnant probably four or five months after she had passed. It just started this trickle of things like, Okay, now I’m pregnant. And I just always had in my subconscious, my best friend died when she had her baby.

So it was like, I didn’t want to die, too. And I know that sounds very morbid, but that’s where that That’s what my brain was thinking at that time. So I just started diving into articles and research and how do I stay strong. And I had always been an avid runner and into health and wellness. So it was like, Okay, now that I’m pregnant, what should I be doing to just keep myself well?

Kaitlin Spano

So that’s where it all started. And it’s just been this domino cascading effect of 10 years, really. So that’s… Yeah. And now here we are.

Catherine Wilde

Yeah. I mean, that’s such an experience to go through, to lose your best friend and then to go through pregnancy yourself after that and having to process that and grieve it. I think that those thoughts that you shared, those are things that come up for us as moms. So thank you for sharing so vulnerably. Yeah, go ahead.

Kaitlin Spano

Yeah. I think it’s hard because when you become pregnant for the first time, it is so overwhelming in the sense of all of these things. Everyone you talk to, once they find out you’re pregnant, they’re like, Oh, my gosh. I did this, and I did this, and this happened.

Everyone has such a vast array of experiences with pregnancy. You just get bombarded with all of this stuff, and especially now today with the internet and the access to information, quick that we have, it’s right there. People go to Google and research a question, and a plethora of all this stuff comes up.

So it’s just a lot to begin with. And then to know I had this tragic event happen, and I definitely did not process that. It was just like it happened, I stuffed it and went on with my life. And I’ve been slowly unpacking it these 10 years. But I think it’s just important when you do become pregnant, it’s okay to have the thoughts that you have. It’s totally normal, and everyone comes from different walks of life. Just the experiences we have to bring into it is like, there’s just so many of them.

Kaitlin Spano

So don’t ever feel like, Oh, I shouldn’t be thinking that. If it happens, it happens. You’re just thinking. Just work through it.

Catherine Wilde

I love that, too, because you bring together your understanding of the human body, especially through pregnancy and postpartum, and then also just your honesty and your vulnerability and your just realness as a mom. Just that combination is so beautiful.

Kaitlin Spano

Well, thank you.

Catherine Wilde

Okay, so let’s dive into some of this stuff that I feel like you explained so well that can be over our heads when you become moms. And one of them is diastasis. I remember hearing that term for the first time, not while I was pregnant, but after, and when my midwife was checking the separation in my stomach.

It was a brand new concept to me. It was this whole new world of, Okay, now I’m taking care of my baby, and I have to figure out what to do with my body and the healing. I didn’t even know that this was part of it. I was really blessed to have somebody that understood and guided me through that. Can you just start by telling us, maybe they’ve heard of it as DR, or can you explain what is that and what is the importance of that during pregnancy and postpartum?

Kaitlin Spano

Yeah, of course. It is overwhelming. Again, I always just go back to this point because the internet is so full of information. You see someone explaining, you’re like, Wait, do I have that, too? Is that something I need to be concerned about? Then you go down the rabbit hole.

Like, Oh, maybe this is what I should be doing. Oh, maybe this. It’s very overwhelming. Really what it is, is you have anatomy eyes, you have four layers of muscles in your core, and then your rectus abdominus is the top one. Hopefully, people can see this.

This right here, these are your rectus muscles, which is the very top, the superficial layer. During pregnancy, our bodies are flipping amazing. What happens in order to expand and grow baby is everything is stretching out. Those rectus muscles right here are going to stretch out.

Naturally, that’s what they’re made to do. There’s fascia in between them, and they naturally stretch. Typically, right after you have a baby, this is what It’s going to feel like this is what it is. If you’re feeling down there and it feels like a hole, you’re like, Oh, my gosh. But this part is natural when you first have a baby because your muscles need to stretch.

How To Avoid Ab Separation During Pregnancy

Kaitlin Spano

Where it becomes a concern is after that 6-8 week period, if you’re still feeling that big gap, you might want to be doing or just be more mindful of your movements. Because truly what diastasis is, it’s a whole body issue, but it’s just the separation of those muscles.

But when a woman has a child, 100% of women have a diastasis when the baby is born. So we all experience it. Just the degrees of it are different depending on if you had multiple births or if you carried multiples, like twins. Women who have twins or triplets definitely struggle this much more because it’s wider.

But not just women have DR. So men can have diastasis too. If they are carrying a lot of weight in their gut right there, it’s doing the same thing to those muscles. So it’s just important, though, to know it is a whole body issue. And the only way that you’re going to solve that issue is starting with your breathing.

Are you breathing correctly?

Because That’s going to… Your whole core is a system, so that needs to be working correctly, because if it’s not, that’s where the issues come in.

Kaitlin Spano

There’s just so many things. Your posture, now that you’re a new mom, you’re hunched over all the time, and the way you get out of the bed, the way you’re bending down, all of that comes into an effect of how that’s going to heal back. It does take time.

So it’s just understanding how you move every day versus when you go to Google and like, Okay, I think I have this. You try to figure out if you have it, or maybe your midwife said, Can you have a four-finger gap? So a four-finger gap would literally be your four fingers. You put them here and you feel that each side of the muscle.

Catherine Wilde

And for anybody listening, she’s just putting them in your belly button-ish, right? In between, yeah, in the middle.

Kaitlin Spano

In your belly button around it, it’s always going to feel wider there because you have your belly button. So it feels larger there because you have that connection there. You know what I mean, you have that separation already.

Catherine Wilde

Would you recommend right above it instead of right at your

Kaitlin Spano

Right. So typically you want to go above your belly button and then below your belly button because some people might have it. I’m just going to pull that visual back. So even if you see right here, see it before, see how there is a larger gap around the belly button? So that’s typical.

So when you measure after you have a baby, you want to wait till that 6-8 week mark when your body is healed more and your uterus has shrunk back down a little bit more.

You want to just measure below your belly button and then above, because sometimes people… This is all mostly connected up here, and it’s just down here, or vice versa, or it’s both. Again, it’s all dependent on the person in the pregnancy. But really, that pretty much sums it up. It’s just a whole body issue, and you have to be aware of that.

Catherine Wilde

Okay, so we’re now aware of what this is. I love that you said it’s a whole body issue because our body is completely connected, everything, head and toe, and that we start with the breath.

Can we explore a little more there? If there’s a mom listening that’s pregnant right now, are there things that she can do to help to minimize or to help to start to step into these activities and things, practices you’re saying that would help?

Kaitlin Spano

Yes, absolutely. Thank you for bringing that back up because I got sidetracked and I lost that thought. But that’s what’s hard is on the internet today, if you’re searching how to heal your diastasis, typically what comes up, and I think it’s slowly changing, but it’s just a bunch of different exercise moves.

The most common, you’re on your back and you’re doing heel taps or heel slides or whatever. And not that those aren’t beneficial, but if you don’t know how to do them and bring your breath into those moves, you could be doing more damage to yourself than healing.

So if you are pregnant, the number one thing you want to understand is how to breathe and control that pressure system, which is your core. And we have to remember, our core, this part of our body right here is the center of our bodies. It’s the one part of our body that there’s no bones besides our spine. So all right here, it’s all muscle. So we just want to be aware of how we’re using that because it’s our stabilizing place. And during pregnancy, our stabilization is, what’s the word I’m looking for? Affected, right?

Kaitlin Spano

Our stability, right, because our center is expanding, so we’re going all this way. That’s the number one thing I say is understand how to breathe, understand your pressure system, and just staying connected to your core, which all comes from breathing.

Ideally, managing diastasis during pregnancy, again, is just going to go back to the whole body issue, how you’re moving in your everyday movements. If you do have a fitness routine, being conscious and wary of how you’re moving in those movements, and then just every day It just all goes back to the breathing and how you’re moving, how you’re functioning in that aspect.

Catherine Wilde

I love that you bring that up because it isn’t just about the exercises. It’s about how we bring that into our days. How are we moving? How are we conscious of our movements? And you shared a really great post the other day. So if you’re not following Kaitlin on Substack, you need to go do that.

Because she shared just about how… She talks about how she moves throughout her day, and it was about squatting and laundry, and it was just so helpful. So again, just this being aware of what we’re doing in our day and how we can bring… Because I find myself doing that a lot.

Posture-wise or just finding myself slouching or finding myself moving in ways that aren’t… I feel like, Oh, it’s no big deal. But those are the movements that we string throughout our day that make up our life. So every time that we can bring our breath into it or move in ways that are beneficial to our body and are supportive of our body, that’s so helpful, right? And avoiding pain in different areas as well, too.

Kaitlin Spano

Right. And of course, during pregnancy, as your body is expanding and changing, your things are changing on a cellular level. So muscles are being pulled into different areas, inside your stomach, your stomach, your intestines, all of that literally physically moves for a baby to make them.

It’s those things that you can’t visually actually see. After you have a baby, yes, you have to take your time breathing because you literally want to put your insides back the way that they were.

That’s why a lot of moms suffer with gut health, and that has a lot to do with diastasis, too, because if you’re constantly bloated, especially moms that have had C-sections, they really struggle with gut issues because that incision, where the incision is, and then having to do their intestine, if they’re not breathing and able to do…

Because breathing literally massages your gut. If you’re not able to do that, we can be really bloated, and bloating causes extension in our gut, which, again, just affects all of how those muscles are laying right there. That That has a lot to do with it. It’s like those little things, and I think what’s hard about it is you can’t see it.

Kaitlin Spano

You know what I mean? What you’re just seeing on the outside is like, Oh, now my belly is floppy, and now I have… You know what I mean? That’s what you see. Then you think, Oh, doing these things is going to affect it. But we have to start from the core, from the inside out. It’s like starting at the core of the apple and then working out. We’re growing from the inside out.

Catherine Wilde

Right. Yeah. No, I love that you said all of that. And it really is. So it just reminded me how amazing our bodies are in general. Like, incredible. And how powerful those simple things can be. I work with moms on self-care and just reconnecting to who they are.

And it’s really the little moments, the little things in our day that have the most powerful effect. And so I love that you’re reminding us of this because I think pregnancy and then even just motherhood onward, it’s a lot. And so it can feel overwhelming to be like, I have to do these things for myself now. There’s all this other stuff But really, it’s those little things that I love that you teach that.

Kaitlin Spano

Right. Yeah. And just fitting it into those pockets of your day. Like me, just right now, even just sitting here, I’m shifting on one side. So it’s like, okay, if I’m sitting here, I need to be up and stop clenching.

So it’s all those little things that really add up. And when you notice them and then you’re able to release or relax or whatever, you’re like, wow, that seriously makes a big difference.

Catherine Wilde

Yeah. Yes, I love that.

Catherine Wilde

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Catherine Wilde

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Pelvic Floor Physio

Catherine Wilde

Okay, so we talked about our core. Let’s move down a little bit. Like you were saying, our bodies are expanding and there’s so much going on during pregnancy. Another amazing part of our bodies is the pelvic floor, right? So can you share with us what exactly is our pelvic floor and what role does it play during pregnancy?

Kaitlin Spano

Yes. Our pelvic floor, I’m going to just show you again a couple of visuals because I just think it’s so helpful, and I’m a very visual learner myself. So these are all from my guidebooks, by the way, which are available on Amazon. So we have our pelvic floor. Our pelvic floor is this group of muscles right here on the bottom of our core.

So here’s a pregnant mom, obviously, and her muscles there. But it literally is like a hammock for where you pee and where you poke. And the bottom layer of it that’s closest acts as a sphincter. So It’s opening or closing to poop or pee. Then there’s internal muscles that sit, again, like a bowl.

It’s like a diaphragm of your pelvic floor, they call it. They’re all interconnected. I’m going to stand up and show you how you can really find those muscles. But this is a bird’s eye view, looking down at your pelvic floor. As you can see, there’s a lot of muscles. Again, I think it’s one of those things we can’t see it like our bicep. It’s right there. You know what I mean? Like, oh, yeah, everybody pees, everybody poops, but it’s there.

Kaitlin Spano

So a good way to… It’s like a triangle on the bottom right here. And if you feel the bottom of your pelvic bone in the front. That’s where it starts. And then your tailbone or your coccus, that’s where it ends.

So you can just manually feel on yourself. And then if you bend over, you want to move your butt muscles out of the way to find your sitz bones, which are up in. But then you can be like, okay, it’s not that big, but that’s where it sits. So during pregnancy, obviously this muscle that’s pushing, the baby is pushing as your baby grows, it’s just pushing more weight onto this pelvic floor.

And obviously basically, when you birth a baby, it has to come down the birth canal and then out through your vagina, which is your pelvic floor is stretching.

So your pelvic floor stretches 500 times the size. At at the vagina where the baby comes out, which is shocking, right? So that’s basically your pelvic floor. And it’s really important to be aware of it because number one, it acts as the bottom It’s all of our center. Then during pregnancy, what happens a lot of times is women just clench it.

Kaitlin Spano

Unfortunately, doctors still… When I was pregnant with my kids, my doctors were still like, Just make sure you do Kegels and you’ll be fine. I remember my mom telling me, Make sure you start doing your Kegels now that you’re pregnant. I was like, What is that even? I don’t even know what that is.

And a Kegel is an activation of your pelvic floor, but you’re not necessarily engaging all of the muscles of that pelvic floor when you do Kegel. And again, actual strengthening of the pelvic floor, you want to be able to… Like the bicep, right? So if you’re clenching your pelvic floor, this is what it is.

So if you’re super tight in that and you need to go pee or something, you can’t slowly let it out. Sorry, I’m trying to show. Slow It’s like if you’re so tight, it just plops open. That’s where a lot of times, moms in the late third trimester of their pregnancy and after you have the baby, You feel very disconnected there and because it stretched so much. They might be holding it, and then they cough or something, and it’s just like… You know what I mean?

Kaitlin Spano

Then you might be leaking urine. But it’s because it’s so tight and you haven’t practiced the full flexion of the muscle. What’s important about not just doing Kegels is to strengthen But then the lengthen. Again, just strengthening and lengthening it. The best way to strengthen your pelvic floor is through your breathing. So understanding when you take a breath, just the full expansion and then bringing it up.

You just want to be able to have that movement with your diaphragm of your diaphragm here and the diaphragm of your pelvic floor. When you’re breathing, it’s going up and down, up and down. You just want to have instead of if you’re holding it, then you just have this. And then that pressure is going to bounce out either the floor. One of these days, your pelvic floor is just going to pop open or again, that diastasis The pressure is going to come out on other sides, if it’s not able to go nice and smooth.

Catherine Wilde

And that’s what you were talking about before, this whole pressure system that we have, it all works together.

Kaitlin Spano


How to heal and repair ab separation after pregnancy - woman exercising with toddlerPin

How To Stop Peeing Your Pants

Catherine Wilde

Oh, wow. Thank you for explaining that so thoroughly. You’re welcome. It’s amazing that there’s more to it than just kegels, and that those muscles, they do so much just on a regular day, not even pregnant. They’re doing what they’re meant to do. And so they’re built to do this. And it’s the work that you’re talking about that helps us to work with it versus…

Kaitlin Spano

Right. And I think what happens is during pregnancy, you have such a drastic change to your body, and you have such an increase on that pressure, the pressure on your pelvic floor. So a lot of times, women aren’t aware of it until they have a baby, because then they’re like, What is going on?

And a lot of times people are like, Yep, you had a baby. Now you’re going to pee yourself the rest of your life. And it’s still so many people are talking about that. If you’re listening to this and you’re like, plan on getting pregnant in the future, or even if you’re not, it’s really important to understand your pelvic floor as a woman because it also has a lot to do with our sexual function. So It’s just an important muscle to learn about. It’s something that we move. Men have pelvic floors, too. We all have a pelvic floor.

Catherine Wilde

Oh, I love this. Okay, so I love all of this so much. You shared so many amazing nuggets, and I understand it a lot better now, too. We’ve talked about so many different things, and if there’s somebody listening right now, and maybe they’re pregnant, maybe they’re just postpartum, and they’re like, Okay, What do I focus on first?

What’s the one thing I can start? Where’s the one place that she could start?

Kaitlin Spano

I always say A, B, C.

A being your alignment. Just being conscious of, Okay, where am I hold in my head in space, my shoulders, my rib cage, my hip. Just keeping that nice posture alignment.

Two, the B is for breathing. How are you breathing? Are you breathing well? Are you breathing in Are you breathing out your belly? You want to be breathing here in your diaphragm, expanding that rib cage. You can get that pressure system under control.

Then C, again, is the control. With those two, the alignment and the breathing, are you able to control that throughout your day, controlling your movements and everything with your alignment and with your breath. Oh, awesome. I would say the same for a postpartum mom. That’s what you want to focus on, the ABC. Alignment, breathing core, center.

Catherine Wilde

Yeah. I think for life, those are great rules or steps to follow. I love it. I’m going to start bringing that to my day. Alignment, breathing core.

Catherine Wilde

I love it.

Catherine Wilde

Thank you.

Kaitlin Spano

You’re welcome.

Catherine Wilde

You have a full house. You have a lot going on, and I would love to hear what are some of your favorite favorite ways to bring in self-care? You’ve talked about that you run in the past, or what does that look like for you now in this season?

Kaitlin Spano

Oh, gosh. Yeah, it’s changed so much. And I think that was a part that was really difficult for me, especially when I had my first, because running was like my therapy. That’s what I did.

And then you add a little one, and it’s like, if I can’t run, what am I supposed to do? So you get stuck in this hard place. And it’s look different for me with every pregnancy, with every postpartum journey. And I think it I think I’ve learned to fit it into pockets of my day.

So obviously now I have five young children, so it might look like doing a puzzle. At first, it was doing a puzzle with my or then I got to bigger puzzles and we put them on the table, but just taking that little moment. Or it’s standing, washing dishes, and I’m like, okay, I do the ABC check.

Am I clenching my glutes? Am I laboring my breathing?

So I just relax and release and breathe while I’m washing dishes and make that like a rhythmic motion thing going on. I do still I love fitness, and my fitness journey has changed very drastically.

But I just share that because as someone who ran a lot, who lifted weights, now I’m just starting to get back into lifting the weights, and I’m three years postpartum with my fifth baby, and I really didn’t think I would ever lift weights again.

Kaitlin Spano

So it’s just important to stay focused on your own journey and just do what feels good, and that’s going to look different. So it’s important to find ways with your kids to do self-care and without your kids, because I think sometimes we can get stuck in that moment of like, Okay, so a self-care for me means I need like 45 minutes, and I need to run a bath.

And for some of us, it’s just not realistic. Maybe you do that once a week or once a month, you know what I mean? But it’s really just about finding time in those pockets. And they’re not always the same. I do not have the same routine every day with my self-care. It varies.

Catherine Wilde

Oh, I love that. Thank you for sharing that. You’re seeing those little pockets. It doesn’t have to be a big chunk, to be able to connect with yourself, to be able to do something for yourself. And like you’re saying, with kids and without kids, it’s so important to try to do both, to do something that’s just for you.

But also there’s so many ways we can incorporate mom life. You can get in the dishes. That’s awesome because I think there’s so many things that we have to do when we feel like… When we can bring ourselves into it, bring ourselves into the moment, like you’re saying, check in with your body and those Those are powerful moments of self-care, too. I love that.

Thank you.

Kaitlin Spano

Yes. And getting outside. Forgot to say that. That’s been healing since the beginning. And obviously, that looks different each season. But something about just breathing that fresh air every single day is so key.

Catherine Wilde

Agreed. Yeah.

I always have to ask this question. So you have been on this incredible journey. You shared the beginning of your journey with us, the motherhood part of it, and all the way to today and what that looks like for you.

If you could go back in time and you were able to share something with yourself as you became a mom, what would you let her know? What would you want her to know?

Kaitlin Spano

I think I would have been so much kinder to myself, and I wouldn’t have held myself to these unrealistic expectations of the world because I think that’s really hard. I feel like we’re just bombarded with all of these things, and it’s like, You should do this, and you should do it this, and I did this, and I look like this now, or I did this and this happened. It’s just stay in your lane. That’s all. I wish I had just…

If I could go back and tell myself, just focus on yourself. Don’t listen to what everyone else is saying around you, the world, social media, just work on you. Focus on you and know that you’ll get to where you’re supposed to be at some point in time. But for right now, just stay where you are because that’s where you’re to be and just a little bit each day. It will get easier.

Catherine Wilde

I love that. Yeah, there are so many messages. And like you’re saying, especially when you’re pregnant, everybody has their experience that they want to share. Everybody has their advice in there. Yeah. And being kind to yourself, that’s huge. That is something I’ve gotten better at, but it’s still something that I work on, catching myself like, Oh, did I just say that to myself? And how can I be kinder? So it’s an ongoing journey for sure.

Kaitlin Spano

Yes. And I think a lot of people today share, obviously, just what’s worked for them. And I think that comes from a place of love and relating. A lot of people are relational in different ways. But I think as a new mom, per se, or a pregnant mom, it can feel it’s just human nature to compare. And sometimes if you get stuck in that comparison trap, you might not even realize it. It’s just so there all the time. So I think it’s just to step away and just hone in on what feels good to you.

Catherine Wilde

I love that advice because we can carry that through motherhood, too. Because there’s always going to be like, am I making the right decisions for this situation? Am I doing the right thing here? And noticing, if you’re on social media and you’re just scrolling and you start to feel that overwhelm of like, wow, I’m not doing it right. Wow, I’m feeling, wow, it’s a signal to step

Kaitlin Spano

Oh, I should do that, or I should be doing that, or they did it that way, so I should do it that way.

Kaitlin Spano

It’s just, yeah, it can become really not a happy place.

Catherine Wilde

I love that you share both sides because it can be helpful at times, right? I’ve learned so much from other moms and be like, Oh, I do want to try that. That sounds like something that resonates. But then there’s other times where I just feel like I’m failing. And so those are moments of like, well, that’s not for me right now, and that’s okay.

Kaitlin Spano

Yeah. And I think that’s important, too, because something might work for you right now, or you might try something and it’s not working for you, and that is okay. That just means not right now. But down the road, you might come back to that, and it might be working really beautifully.

Life just is like this. Nothing is linear. It’s always going to go up and down with everything, your mental health, how you fit into your pants, just literally everything. Everybody struggles with that, whether they’re pregnant postpartum or not. Everybody struggles with that. Don’t think that you’re a minority if it’s going like this.

Catherine Wilde

That’s such a good reminder. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for sharing everything. I want to make sure we can find you. We can find your work. We want to connect with you. Let us know. We want to know everything. You have a book coming out, right?

Kaitlin Spano

I do. Yes. It should be coming out. I just had some hang-ups on the book cover design, so it my book is done. It’s just a matter of finishing that. You can find me on Amazon. I do have the guidebooks, which I was referring to. I have one for pregnancy and postpartum, so check those out.

I do have stuff on Etsy also. Which is basically the same things here, but you can print them out separately, the little planners. And then I give you strength exercises. And then you can find me on YouTube, my blog,, or my YouTube, where I provide movement routines and advice and all of that there for free service there for everybody.

Catherine Wilde

Thank you for sharing all that. I’ll link to it in the show notes so that everybody can find you and connect with you. I am so happy we got to do this in chat. And yeah, thank you for being here.

Kaitlin Spano

Of course. Thank you for having me, Catherine.

Thanks for joining me, Mama. I’m over here smiling from ear to ear and giving you a big virtual hug. I love spending this time with you. You are amazing for showing up and carving out this space to nourish your soul.

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Sending you so much love!

Catherine Wilde - Founder of Soul Care Mom - Self Care For Busy Moms - A Mom Coach, Helping Busy Moms, Like You, Release Mom Guilt & Go From Anxious Mom To Calm Mom

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Catherine Wilde - Soul Care Mom

I’m Catherine Wilde homeschool mama, yoga & meditation teacher, best selling author, and mom life coach. I believe you can feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom, when you first care for yourself. 

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