[Discover how to create a self care morning routine in 3 simple steps so you can start your days feeling calm and be the mom you long to be.]
The Importance of a Self Care Morning Routine
Taking care of yourself may feel selfish, but if you think about it, taking care of yourself only helps you better take care of your loved ones. When you give yourself the care and love you need, you have more to give others. More energy. More patience. More love.
It’s not selfish to put yourself first – it’s actually selfless.
Creating a self care routine can help you ease into your day feeling calmer and more capable to take on whatever comes your way. When you have a solid morning routine in place, it’s one less thing you have to think about during the day.
And we all know how valuable our mental energy is as moms!
Making Time For Self Care Every Day
And self care is, but how do we find the time for it in our already busy schedules?
The answer, create a routine that brings self care into your life. Make a commitment to this routine until it becomes a habit. Once you see how your self care routine improves the quality of your day and life, you will not want to give it up!
Creating a new habit really isn’t about doing something for a certain number of days, it is about doing something consistently. It’s a good idea to take a pause after several weeks or months of implementing a new routine or habit to take stock of how things are going and what tweaks or improvements you can make as you move forward.
It is also good to take time to celebrate the work you put in to take care of yourself and move your life in the direction of your choosing!
Sometimes we feel that if we miss a day we should give up completely. This is not the case at all. We are human, if you miss a day for whatever reason, give yourself grace, and pick back up where you left off.
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How To Start A Self Care Morning Routine
Here are some simple guidelines to set up an amazing morning routine, along with ideas for each step, but the beauty of it is you get to fill in the details. You get to decide what you need each morning. Here’s a self-care morning routine guide for you to download and enjoy!
Listen to your body and soul, and let them guide you.
3 Easy Steps To Create Your Self Care Morning Routine
Wake up 30 minutes earlier – Set yourself up for success. If this means that you need to go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual, do it!
In order to feel the benefits of self care, you must prioritize yourself.
You are worth it, Mama!
Here is a free printable morning routine guide to help you bring self care into your life with ease.
Step 1: Move Your Body (10 minutes)
Stretch, go for a walk, or do some yoga. (Just 10 minutes) Our bodies are meant to move.
Here are some yoga poses to inspire you to move in ways that feel good to your body.
Step 2: Find Inner Stillness + Journal (10 minutes)
Once you have moved your body, it is easier to sit and turn our attention inward.
Spend at least 5 Minutes in meditation.
As you begin to experience the deliciousness of inner stillness and begin to experience more inner peace as a result of meditation you will naturally want to increase your time in meditation, for now, let’s begin with 5 minutes.
Here is a Free Library of Guided Meditations for you to enjoy.
Once you have created inner stillness and spaciousness through meditation it is time to open up to the wisdom from within.
Get out your journal to allow any wisdom that has come forth from your meditation practice.
You may also want to jot down some things that you are grateful for.
Taking time to practice gratitude is an amazing way to start and end your day.
Step 3: Follow Your Bliss (10 minutes)
Take some time to do something that nourishes you and fuels your passion. It is up to you! Once you get a solid routine, feel free to change these up from day to day and try out new hobbies and interests.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Take a Walk in Nature
- Take a Bubble Bath
- Draw or Paint
- Enjoy a Cup of Tea
- Read a Good Book
- Craft
Prioritize Yourself Every Day
Self care is so important for all of us, but as moms, we often put ourselves last. Creating a self care routine can help you ease into your day feeling calmer and more capable to take on whatever comes your way.
Starting your day with a loving morning routine will help you to show up as the mom you want to be.
Prioritize your self care. You are worth it, Mama!
Click the button and enter your email address to get instant access to your Self Care Morning Routine Guide with 3 easy steps to help you create a self care morning routine you look forward to doing. And start your mornings with intention so you can be a calm, happy mom!
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