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How to Set Intentions to Create a Life You Love

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[Ready to learn how to set intentions to create a life you love? Here’s the simple process that will help you to tune into your heart and set powerful intentions.]

Setting intentions is such a powerful practice.

This means going within and connecting with the way you want your year to feel and how you want to show up in the world.

And it all starts in your heart.

How to Set Intentions to Create the Life YOU Want

Ready to set your intention, Mama?

Hit play and I’ll walk you through the heart-centering practice that I use with my clients to set soulful and powerful intentions.

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Are you ready to move into the new year with a fresh start with a new outlook and start to create the life you want and be the man that you want to be?

This all starts with setting intentions.

We often set resolutions for the new year. Material goals and things we want to achieve, but that’s only half the picture.

How to Set Intentions to be the Best Version of Yourself

Setting an intention for the year will help you to set the tone for how you want your year to feel. It will help guide you to create the life you want and truly help you be the mom you want to be.

You can set intentions for the year or each season. You can set intentions for your day, or you can even set intentions for different activities throughout your day.

You can Weave Intentions Throughout Your Day

So if you’re going to go play on the floor with your kids, you can set an intention to be present and that will help you to embody that energy as you approach that activity.

So your intention can be a word. It can be a phrase. For example, my word last year was “ease”. And I leaned on that word more times than I can count. It really helped to guide me into what I wanted my year to feel like, and it helped me to refocus when I was off track.

So you could also choose something like “hope” or “grace” or “present over perfect” or “love” or “worthy” or “I am more than enough“.

There isn’t a wrong answer here.

So let’s approach the New Year with intention together, Mama.

How to Set an Intention for Manifestation

Let’s talk about how to set an intention. We talked about what your intention might look like. But to set your intention, to find that word or phrase that speaks to you, this always, always, always starts in your heart.

So let’s take a minute to tune into our hearts right now. You might like to place your hand over your heart. You might like to close your eyes.

But simply get comfortable and go within.

And then begin to tune in and see how you’re feeling in this moment.

And allow yourself to be open to the possibilities of the coming day, coming month, the season, or the year.

What do you want it to feel like?

Then simply sit in this space for a moment and allow yourself to really embody this feeling and breathe.


When you’re ready, open your eyes.

What’s Your Intention?

Remember that this is a practice. It’s not something that’s set in stone. So allow yourself to follow your intuition and shift as needed.

After going through the intention setting process in the video above, what came up for you, Mama?

The word that came up for me was OPEN.

I know when I’ve found my word because I get a full-body “YES!”

And at the same time, it feels a little scary. Like the ground beneath me just quaked a bit.

That’s what makes YOUR WORD so POWERFUL! It’s that special mix of grace and growth.

Your word will help to guide you through your days, remind you how you want to show up, and help you to grow in love.

For me the word open means, allowing myself to approach life with an open heart.

It reminds me to be open to new possibilities, perspectives, and opportunities.

It means allowing myself to find strength in vulnerability and be open to receiving.

So, find stillness and let your heart guide you in setting your intention for the new year.

And be sure to let me know what your intention came up for you, Mama!

I can’t wait to hear from you.

Sending you so much love.

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