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The Power Of Pausing As Mom

[If you feel constantly overwhelmed as a mom. This simple practice will help you tap into your inner calm. Discover the power of pausing on your motherhood journey.]

We often rush through the day, on to the next task, the next event or activity, finally crashing onto the couch after the last bedtime story is read. But recently, I was reminded of the power of a simple practice.

Maybe you need this reminder too.

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[Disclaimer: The information shared is from personal experiences and/or research. We’re not medical professionals. We share in hopes that it will help you tap into new insights and inspire you. Everything shared is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a trusted health professional for your unique journey.]

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Recently, I was reminded of the power of the pause. Over the years, I’ve become more in tune, and I am not perfectly in tune, mind you.

I’m always learning more about myself, my needs, and the best way to care for my needs in each season of life. But I found that there are certain times of the month where I need to slow down and show myself more grace.

Times where quiet energy is my love language, and other times, there are times when quiet energy is my love language, and other times of the month, I feel more playful and energetic. And this particular day was a day where I needed more loving. And this particular day was a day where I needed more…

And this particular day was a day where I needed a more loving and calm atmosphere. And as I drove my kids to the library, I could hear their excited voices in the back seat shouting out the things they saw through the window.

And my young Lingis started talking to me and asking me questions in rapid fire succession. And then she asked me the ultimate car ride question, Are we almost there?

And instead of jumping in and answering, I simply paused.

Is There Power In Pausing?

I focused on the road. Knowing that the questions and the noise were a lot for me to process that particular day, knowing that that’s okay. I simply paused. And within moments, she answered her own question.

She saw that we were right around the corner from our destination. And that was a powerful reminder of the power of the pause for me. And that was a powerful reminder of the importance of pausing.

And that was a powerful reminder of the importance of pausing for me. Sometimes, when we’re in conversation, whether it’s with our kids, our partner, our friends, our coworkers, we might chime in as soon as they’re done speaking, or maybe even before they’re done speaking.

But when we can get comfortable with a little bit of stillness, we find we give each other space for the answers to come through. This is one of the most powerful things I do as a coach. I create a loving, safe space for your inner wisdom to come forward.

There’s a beautiful quote that says, silence isn’t empty. It’s full of answers. I invite you to try this out for yourself as well. In our busy world of hustle and technology, we don’t often allow space for quiet introspection. The noise is pervasive and we might not even feel comfortable in the silence. We reach for the phone or we flip on the TV.

A mom with her toddler learning the importance of pausing as a momPin

3 Steps To Tap Into The Power Of A Pause

I invite you to try this simple exercise.

1) Find a cue.

Find a queue that is naturally sprinkled throughout your day and allow it to prompt you to pause so it could look like this.

Every time you take a sip of water, enjoy your water and then place your hand over your heart and take three slow, deep breaths and listen.

2) Listen for whatever comes up for you.

Maybe there’s a big feeling you’ve been pushing away, or maybe there’s some wisdom that’s been whispering to you. But you haven’t been still enough to hear it yet.

3) Whatever it is, be a safe, compassionate space for it to come forward.

That’s it.

You can still hop on the computer, you can still scroll social media. We live in a world of technology, and it can be easy to shame ourselves for the time we spend on there, but it is part of our world.

When you can bring your attention inward with intention, you’ll find that you don’t feel the need to reach for the distractions as often. Although you might still use them as ways to connect or find inspiration, you don’t feel that reflexive pull towards distracting yourself away from the silence.

So use this powerful pausing technique to bring more awareness, more self love, more compassion into your life.

And be sure to reach out and let me know how it goes for you.

Vibrant Mom Life Membership Resources To Help Release Mom Guilt And Find Time For Yourself

If you’re ready for more support, you can get on the waitlist for one on one support from me, or you can jump into Vibrant Mom Life where you can get everything you need, plus group coaching support in the community to help you say goodbye to your inner critic, to help you live a happy and authentic life while being the mom you want to be.

And I want to leave you with this loving reminder.

You are right where you need to be on your journey.

You are more than enough.

And you are so loved.

Catherine Wilde - Founder of Soul Care Mom - Self Care For Busy Moms - A Mom Coach, Helping Busy Moms, Like You, Release Mom Guilt & Go From Anxious Mom To Calm Mom

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Hi Im Catherine - Soul Care Mom
Catherine Wilde - Soul Care Mom

I’m Catherine Wilde homeschool mama, yoga & meditation teacher, best selling author, and mom life coach. I believe you can feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom, when you first care for yourself. 

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