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Self Love Meditation

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[Ready to love yourself fully? In this self love meditation you will reconnect with your True Self and rediscover how to love without condition.]

Hi there, Soulful Mama.

Welcome to the Soul Care Mom Podcast.

I’m Catherine Wilde of I’m a mom of three amazing kids. A Soul Care Mom Coach, and yoga & meditation teacher. I’ve helped hundreds of women.

And I’m here to help you feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom if you’re ready to stop living in survival mode and you’re ready to drop the mom guilt and overwhelm this podcast is for you.

Thinking this as a lunch date with a girlfriend. Grab a cup of tea and get cozy. It’s time to get honest and vulnerable and shift the traditional mindset around motherhood.

Be sure to subscribe to be the first to know when new episodes are released. Get ready to grow and feel empowered as a mom.

I’m here for you, Mama.

Let’s get started.

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Self Love Meditation

Hi Beautiful Soul.

This is a love note for you from your true self.

From the part of you that knows that you are pure love. I want you to know that there is nothing you need to accomplish, no one you need to prove yourself to.

There’s a little girl within you that wants to be loved for exactly who she is.

A woman that wants to feel comfortable in her own skin. And is tired of hiding her light.

All of You is Worthy Self Love

It’s time to embrace all of you and let yourself shine.

Those parts of you that you hide in the shadows for fear that they might be unlovable or not good enough they are worthy of love too.

Self Love Note

All of you is beautiful, special, and lovable Mama. And who better to show yourself love than you?

It’s time to remember what you’ve forgotten. The truth of who you are is love. And you are meant to let your light shine.

They are going to be hard days, heartaches, and mistakes. But none of those things defines your worth. You were born worthy and you are more than enough.

It’s time to show up for yourself, Mama. To hold space for the messy emotions and hurt places inside of you. To love all of you just as you are.

Because you are perfect, just as you are.

Don’t be afraid to take up space in this world. And love with all your heart.

Shine your light, Mama.

You are loved.

More Self Love – Guided Meditation

Here’s another self love meditation to help you go deeper on your self love journey.


Thanks for joining me, Mama.

I’m over here smiling from ear to ear and giving you a big virtual hug. I love spending this time with you. You are amazing for showing up and carving out this space to nourish your soul. If you are loving the Soul Care Mom Podcast, be sure to subscribe and leave a review.

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Sending you so much love, Mama!

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