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3 Simple Ways To Enjoy Every Moment Of Life With Your Kids

[Feel like you’re missing the moments with your kids? Discover simple ways to start being more present and enjoy every moment of life with your kids!]

We’ve all heard it right? The days are long, but the years are short. And we only get 18 summers with our kids. The first time I heard that, it made me realize just how precious our time with our kids truly is.

Do you feel like life is so busy that you’re missing the moments with your kids?

Missing being fully present and connected with them so often we are rushing through our days and we end up missing the moments with our kids. Working with moms, I have found that many women have anxiety about missing the moments with their kids. So if you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone.

Enjoy Every Moment Of Life With Your Kids

Today I’m sharing how you can stop missing the moments, be more present and make the most out of your time with your children so you can create precious, lasting memories with your family.

Hi there, Soulful Mama. Welcome to The Soul Care Mom Podcast. I’m Catherine Wilde of I’m a mom of three amazing kids, a Soul Care Mom Coach, and a Yoga & Meditation Teacher. I’ve helped hundreds of women and I’m here to help you feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom. If you’re ready to stop living in survival mode and you’re ready to drop the mom guilt and overwhelm, this podcast is for you.

Think of this as a lunch date with a girlfriend, grab a cup of tea and get cozy. It’s time to get honest and vulnerable and shift the traditional mindset around motherhood. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to know when new episodes are released.

Get ready to grow and feel empowered as a mom. I’m here for you, Mama.

Let’s get started.

You can also listen to this conversation on iTunes or your preferred podcast platform.

[Disclaimer: we are not health professionals. This chat is solely based on research and personal experience. If you have any concerns please seek out the help of your trusted health professionals.]

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There is a quote from Maya Angelou that says, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Missing the Moments

So how can you make the most of your time with your kiddos when life is just busy and there doesn’t seem to be enough time?

The first thing I invite you to do is to take inventory of the things on your schedule. Many times we pile more onto our plate, assuming more is better.

Just Live The Moment

We feel like we need to do more. We need to be more. We need to sign our kids up for more activities to enrich their lives. When really what we’re all craving is slowing down, creating more time for connection.

Notice the things that aren’t in alignment with your values so you can be intentional about what you want to spend your time on. Does mom guilt around doing more ever get to you? Let me know in the comments.

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How to be a More Present Parent

The second thing you can do to really cherish and be present in the moment is to literally slow down. Be intentional about each action, whether you’re making lunch or looking into your child’s eyes and telling them that you love them.

Build in time for more snuggles and hugs. I don’t want my kids to remember me as the mom that was always in a hurry to get to the next thing. So take that deep breath and remind yourself that there is enough time, especially for those precious moments of connection with your kids.

And before we get to our final tip, if you are loving this Soul Care Goodness, be sure to tap the like button, subscribe, and hit the bell to be the first to know when new episodes are released.

And lastly, let go of comparison. Your journey doesn’t have to look like anybody else’s. It’s not meant to. We often end up feeling inadequate when we compare ourselves to others and it robs us of our joy. Celebrate and embrace the beautiful and unique soul that you are and the special journey that you are on with your kids.

You are doing amazing Mama.

Be sure to explore more Soul Care goodness. Simply press play on some other Soul Care Mom Videos to help you release mom guilt and find time for yourself so you can go from anxious mom to the calm mom you want to be.

Sending you so much love.

Thanks for joining me, Mama. I’m over here smiling from ear to ear and giving you a big virtual hug. I love spending this time with you. You are amazing for showing up and carving out this space to nourish your soul. If you are loving the the the Soul Care Mom podcast to subscribe and leave a review.

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And if you are ready to start your mornings feeling calm and energized, get the Kickstart Your Calm Morning Guide a self care morning ritual for moms, as a free gift when you join Soul Care Mom Community. Click the button below and enter your email address to get your free gift and start feeling like a calm mom today!

Sending you so much love, Mama!

Catherine Wilde - Founder of Soul Care Mom - Self Care For Busy Moms - A Mom Coach, Helping Busy Moms, Like You, Release Mom Guilt & Go From Anxious Mom To Calm Mom

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Hi Im Catherine - Soul Care Mom
Catherine Wilde - Soul Care Mom

I’m Catherine Wilde homeschool mama, yoga & meditation teacher, best selling author, and intuitive life coach. I believe you can feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom, when you first care for yourself. 

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