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The Surprising Advantages Of Self Care

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[Wondering why you should bother with self care? Discover the advantages of self care as a mom plus the secret to help you stop yelling at your kids!]

Do you ever wonder what the benefits of practicing self care are?

What are the advantages of taking time for yourself?

Sometimes it just seems like self care is another thing to add to your already full to do list, right? So today we’re going to dive into the benefits of practicing self care, the benefits of having a self care routine and all the advantages of self care.

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[Disclaimer: The information shared is from personal experiences and/or research. We’re not medical professionals. We share in hopes that it will help you tap into new insights and inspire you. Everything shared is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a trusted health professional for your unique journey.]

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What Are The Advantages Of Self Care?

So you’ve probably heard a lot of the hype around self care, but you still hesitate to prioritize it in your days.

There still may be some mental blocks keeping you from fully embracing self care. So what is self care?

Is it spending an hour at the gym every day or getting a weekly mani pedi or massage?

While those can be really beautiful parts of your self care, self care is so much more than that. We all have needs and self care is taking care of your needs in a loving way so that you can thrive.

When we don’t meet our own needs, we end up in survival mode, right? Just barely making it through the day, feeling burned out, feeling short with our loved ones, maybe yelling at our kids.

So when you begin to take time for yourself, when you begin to pause and notice what you need and then take care of those needs, you are not only helping yourself to get out of survival mode, you are helping yourself to thrive.

You are bringing more love into all of your relationships. You are improving every part of your life. I hope that helps you to let go of the mental block that you might have around self care, being selfish, because truly it is one of the most selfless things you can do.

It is one of the most beneficial things that you can do for yourself. And the ripple effect it has is a gift to the world. So there are so many benefits to self care. Self care can help to reduce or eliminate anxiety and stress. It can help to improve concentration.

It can help you to release anger. It can help you to tap into your joy. It can help you to have more energy, more of really everything to give. Another amazing benefit to self care as a parent is that it helps you to be a more present parent.


The Benefits Of Practicing Self Care As A Mom

As you step out of survival mode, as you care for yourself, you are better able to be present and patient and loving with your family.

If you’ve been searching for a way to help you stop yelling at your kids, this is the key. One of the amazing benefits of practicing self care is that it will help you to shift away from the cycle of yelling and into more compassion, both for yourself and your children, your family, your loved ones.

As I mentioned, when we’re not taking care of ourselves, we end up in survival mode. And in survival mode, your brain, your body, understandably are trying to just help you survive. And as you begin to take care of yourself, you are able to shift out of the stress of just getting through the day, of the stress of simply surviving.

The Benefits Of A Self Care Routine

And as you do these things for yourself, you have more to give. So what are some of the benefits of a self care routine? Creating routines in our life helps to create beautiful habits and prioritize the things that are important to us.

And because self care is caring for your needs, making that a big priority in your life is important. So one of the benefits of a self care routine is that you carve out this space in your day to practice self care, to check in with yourself and see what you need.

It can help you to create this beautiful routine so that you can effortlessly bring self care into your days. If you want to learn more about creating a self care morning routine for yourself or a self care evening routine, be sure to check out all the Soul Care Mom resources to help you help you to create self care routines that you look forward to. When you take time to nurture your mind, body and soul, you’re able to show up as the calm, present mom you want to be.

And on the other hand, when you neglect your needs and push through life without caring for yourself, you end up burned out. You end up snapping at those you love. So begin to prioritize your self care. Create a self care routine that helps you to feel nourished and loved.

Be sure to grab your free gift to help you to effortlessly bring self care into your day so you can enjoy all of the benefits that self care brings. And let me know which self care benefit most speaks to you. If you loved this episode, be sure to subscribe. Hit the like button and the bell to be the first to know when new episodes are released.

You are absolutely worthy of love and self care.

Start showing your self love today and enjoy the benefits of practicing self care.

I am sending you so much love.

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Hi Im Catherine - Soul Care Mom
Catherine Wilde - Soul Care Mom

I’m Catherine Wilde homeschool mama, yoga & meditation teacher, best selling author, and mom life coach. I believe you can feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom, when you first care for yourself. 

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