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Creating A Simple And Intentional Morning Routine

[Want to know the secret to starting your day feeling your best? It all starts with being intentional. Discover how to create an intentional morning routine that helps you stay calm and present all day long.]

What do your mornings look like?

We may long for our mornings to look like…

waking up to a quiet house, sipping your favorite brew as you watch the sun paint the sky?

As moms, our mornings probably look a lot more like…

a fast-paced, unpredictable whirlwind, with breakfast to prepare, lunches to pack, kiddos to wake up (sometimes more than once), and amidst it all, you’re trying to gulp down your lukewarm coffee and find two matching socks.

Sound familiar?

But what if I told you, your mornings don’t have to start before the crack of dawn to start with intention?

Today I’m sharing the secret to starting your mornings feeling your best even when you’re in a busy season of motherhood.

You can also listen to this conversation on iTunes, Spotify, or your preferred podcast platform.

[Disclaimer: The information shared is from personal experiences and/or research. We’re not medical professionals. We share in hopes that it will help you tap into new insights and inspire you. Everything shared is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a trusted health professional for your unique journey.]

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How to Create An Intentional Morning Routine

I used to feel like I was failing at the whole self care thing.

I knew that self care was important and I was determined to do it right. I felt like if I could just get self care right, then everything else would fall into place. So I set out to make it happen.

And if you thought about self care, you might have considered creating a morning routine, right? So I dove in. I wanted to create the best morning routine ever.

And if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of creating a self care morning routine and you’re looking for support in getting started, be sure to check out my self care morning routine framework that will help you to nourish your mind, body and soul so you can start your day with a full cup and I’ll link to it in the show notes.

But it’s a beautiful way to nourish the whole you.

This morning routine framework that I’ve created has been a journey and I’ve been able to really bring in the elements that help you to nourish all of you, your mind, your body, and soul, so that you are feeling so filled up and ready to start your day. And it doesn’t have to take long.

But when I was first beginning with all of the things that I thought I needed to add to my morning routine, it would have required me to wake up at least an hour early, if not more. And being the mother of a baby at the time, I was running really low on sleep.

So before I even began, I felt like I was failing because I just didn’t have the energy or desire to get out of bed earlier than I needed to.

So if you’re waking up bleary eyed at the sound of a crying baby, or you just don’t feel like you’re a morning person in this season of life, know that you don’t have to wake up hours before everyone else to get in some time for yourself.

Let me say that again.

Your mornings don’t have to start early to start with intention. So let’s bring in some reflection here for a moment. How do you start your first few moments of the day?

What do you do before you put your feet on the floor in the morning?

Take a moment to consider how you want to show up in your day. You may not be able to predict or control all of the things and situations and circumstances that present themselves throughout your day.

5 Powerful questions to ask yourself for an intentional morningPin

Questions To Ask Yourself For An Intentional Morning

Mom life is always presenting us, bringing to us interesting situations.

But your power lies in how you show up.

Here are some powerful questions to ask yourself for an intentional morning:

What’s your intention for this new day?

How do you want to show up?

What do you want to bring more of into your day?

How do you want to feel?

What thoughts or affirmations when you say them or think them help you to embody this feeling in the way that you want to show up?

Can you see how powerful it can be to do something as simple as taking a moment to start your day with intentionality?

Happy woman starting her morning with intention and mindfulnessPin

Mindful Morning Routine Tips

So let’s take your intentionality a bit further. And as you stretch and open your eyes to the light of the morning, you’re in bed, you’re luxuriating in the warmth of the sun shining through the window, bring in gratitude and appreciation.

And not just naming something you’re grateful for, like I’m really grateful for my partner or my dog or the sun, but taking that a step further and feeling it in your body, feeling the joy of the sun of having that person in your life or that thing or that situation.

Think of not just who or what you’re grateful for, but why you feel appreciation for this gift in your life.

If you do nothing else but bring these simple but powerful practices into your day, into your morning, it will shift the way that you show up.

And I’ve created a gift for you!

If you want a five minute self care morning ritual that will help you to start your day with intention, no matter what time you wake up in the morning, be sure to get your free gift!

The Kickstart Your Calm Morning Ritual will help you start your day calm and energized so you can take on whatever mom life throws your way!

Vibrant Mom Life Membership Resources To Help Release Mom Guilt And Find Time For Yourself

And if you’re ready to take your self care to the next level and create more consistent ways of caring for and showing yourself love every day, come join us in Vibrant Mom Life!

Where you’ll get the support and resources you need to fill your cup so that you have more love, more patience, more playfulness and joy to share with your kids.

Click the button below and join us and transform your motherhood journey today!

And just in case no one’s told you yet today, you are absolutely beautiful. You are an amazing light in this world and you are loved more than you know. Keep sparkling, mama.

Thanks for joining me, mama. I’m over here smiling from ear to ear and giving you a big virtual hug. I love spending this time with you. You are amazing for showing up and carving out this space to nourish your soul.

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Kickstart Your Calm Morning - 5 Minute Self Care Morning Ritual For Moms

And if you are ready to start your mornings feeling calm and energized, get to Kickstart Your Calm Morning Guide, a self care morning ritual for moms as a free gift when you join the Soulcare Mom community.

Click the button below to get your free gift and start feeling like a calm mom today.

Sending you so much love, Mama.

Catherine Wilde - Founder of Soul Care Mom - Self Care For Busy Moms - A Mom Coach, Helping Busy Moms, Like You, Release Mom Guilt & Go From Anxious Mom To Calm Mom

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Hi Im Catherine - Soul Care Mom
Catherine Wilde - Soul Care Mom

I’m Catherine Wilde homeschool mama, yoga & meditation teacher, best selling author, and mom life coach. I believe you can feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom, when you first care for yourself. 

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Kickstart Your Morning, Mama!

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