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11 Powerful Ways to Practice Self Care as a Homeschool Mom

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[Discover 11 powerful ways you can bring self care into homeschool mom life, so you can guide your kids and enjoy your homeschool day.]

You may have started your homeschooling journey picturing care free days, bare feet in the grass, and picnics at lunchtime. But maybe the reality looks a little different.

Homeschooling is such a beautiful adventure, but it is also not an easy feat. Not only do you have to guide your children on the path of learning, but you still have to clean te house, make the meals, and do the laundry all with a baby on your hip.

As a mom you are on call 24/7. And you wear ALL the hats! Which makes it even more important that you take care of yourself

Infusing your days with moments of self love during your homeschool day will help you to fill your cup as a homeschool mom so you can be calm, present, and have more fun guiding and learning with your kids!

You can also listen to this conversation on iTunes or your preferred podcast platform.

[Disclaimer: The information shared is from personal experiences and/or research. We’re not medical professionals. We share in hopes that it will help you tap into new insights and inspire you. Everything shared is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a trusted health professional for your unique journey.]

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11 Self Care Ideas for the Homeschool Mom

Here are 11 beautiful ways to incorporate self care into your day as a homeschool mom.

1. Schedule your Self Care into your Day

When we add appointments, homeschool activities, and other commitments to our calender we make our best effort to show up. Add self care to your calendar and show up for yourself.

Literally schedule in time in your calendar for self care. Even if it is just 10 or 20 minutes.

Take time for yourself everyday!

Prioritizing your self care will help you to have more energy and patience to take on your day as a homeschool mom!

You and your kids are worth it!

2. Nourish Your Body

As a mom whether you’re spending the day at home or you’re on the go. It is so easy to just grab whatever is quick and easy, but that is not always the healthiest choice. Make sure you are taking the time to eat healthy meals and nourish your body so you can have the energy you need to homeschool and care for your family.

3. Move Your Body

We all know how important exercise is for our overall health, but it is also a great way to reduce stress. Taking some time out for a little bit of exercise each day can do wonders for your homeschool mom life.

4. Take Breaks

This is probably one of the most important things you can do for yourself as a homeschool mom. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of homeschooling and forget to take a break. But if you don’t take a break, you will quickly burn out. So make sure you are taking some time each day to just relax and rejuvenate.

5. Make Every Moment Count

We often think that we need large blocks of time to really recharge. And while getting a few hours of time just for you is wonderful, you can also fill your cup in beautiful ways in the little moments in your day.

Any time you feel anxiety and overwhelm start to rise, simply pause and take a deep breath an see what you need in the moment. This sacred pause will help you create a deep and loving connection with yourself so that you are better able to follow your intuition and take care of your needs throughout the day.

6. Incorporate Quiet Time

f you are a homeschooling mom, you may like to incorporate in quiet time into your day, so that you have a little bit of time to yourself.

You may want to coordinate this with nap time, so that when your babies lay down to nap your older kids can do something quietly on their own like read, draw, or build with Legos.

7. Start Your Mornings With Self Care

Taking time each morning to do something loving for yourself is a great way to fill your cup so that you can take on whatever your homeschool day brings.

Bring intentional self care to your morning by exploring some practices that will help nourish your mind body and soul as you start your day.

Simple Self Care Morning Routine for Moms - Download the Printable

8. Set Up an Evening Routine

Mornings and evenings are typically the most stressful times of days for moms. It’s important to realize that our days are connected. Your morning really begins the night before. So creating an evening routine will help everything run more smoothly at the end of the day and help you build in time for your self care as well.

Ending your day by making yourself a cup of tea or carving out some space to move through a relaxing evening yoga sequence can be a loving way to create a restful atmosphere to help you transition from your busy day into bedtime.

9. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is a very important aspect of self care. As a homeschool mom, you may feel like you’re constantly running on empty. But if you want to be able to function and be the best homeschool mom you can be, you need to make sure you are getting enough sleep.

10. Find Your Tribe

It takes a village. Being a homeschool mom can be lonely at times. It is so important to find your tribe, whether that be online or in person. These are the people who will understand what you are going through and can offer support and encouragement.

If you are looking for your tribe, join us in the Soul Care Mom Village. It is a beautiful and loving community of women to encourage and support you on your motherhood journey.

11. Give Yourself Grace

As a homeschool mom, it is so important to give yourself grace. You are not expected to be perfect, and there will be days where things don’t go as planned.

Be gentle with yourself, and know that you are doing a great job, and you are more than enough, even on the tough days.

Make Self Care a Part of Homeschool Mom Life!

I want you to know that you are absolutely worthy of self care. And that when you regularly take the time to care of yourself, you will be able to be a more calm, patient, and fun mom!

As you begin to infuse your days with self care you’ll start to notice that you’re able to find more ease, be more present, and have more fun with your kids as a homeschool mom.

Here are some ideas for self care to create a self care practice that nourishes your soul.

50 Soul Nourishing Self Care Practices for Moms - ipad

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Hi Im Catherine - Soul Care Mom
Catherine Wilde - Soul Care Mom

I’m Catherine Wilde homeschool mama, yoga & meditation teacher, best selling author, and intuitive life coach. I believe you can feel calm and find your unshakable confidence as a mom, when you first care for yourself. 

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